Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Application of Bax Normilasation in Saudi Arabia: The how!"

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated".
  This artical offers a critical examination and reassessment of the history of CALL. Warschauer and Healey famously identifies three phases of CALL which he terms ‘‘Behaviouristic’’, ‘‘Communicative’’ and ‘‘Integrative’’. Then Stephan Bax suggested three new CALLS that replaced the old one which are restricted, open and integrated CALL. Because he found some weakness in these old stages.
The three stages do not fall into neatly contained timelines.As each new stage has emerged, previous stages continue. The teacher use the computer in the language classroom that correspond to all three stages. He want to make these three stages more realistic and accurate. He changed the first approach "Behaviouristic" to "Restricted CALL" and the second approach "Communicative" to "Open CALL" and the third approach " Integrative" to " Integrated CALL".

  Stephan Bax argued that we are not reached and achieving the normaisation stage. He mentioned the concept of ‘normalisation’ which is relevant to any kind of technological innovation and refers to the stage when the technology becomes invisible, embedded in everyday practice and hence ‘normalised’.  For examples, books,  a wristwatch, a pen, shoes, writing and all of these technologies which have become normalised to the extent that we hardly even recognise them as technologies.

Most importantly, CALL will be normalised when computers are treated as always secondary to learning itself, when the needs of learners will be carefully analysed first of all, and then the computer used to serve those needs. He suggests three ways to achieve this normalization: the first is, we must identify the criteria factors which normalization requires. The second one is, we must review the practice of each teaching context in the light of criteria. Finally, we must encourage the normalization by adjusting the existing practices.

In conclusion, we have identified a possible future agenda for CALL. Our aim can be the normalisation in which CALL finally becomes invisible, serving the needs of learners and integrated into every teacher's everyday practice. This will almost certainly require changes in technology, in the size, shape and position of the classroom computer. It will require change in attitudes, in approach and practice amongst teachers and learners; it will require fuller integration into administrative procedures and syllabuses. Secondly, we have identified the means of achieving this goal and we need more in-depth ethnographic studies of individual environments to elucidate the relationship between the factors just mentioned. We also need action research in individual environments to identify barriers to normalisation and ways of overcoming them.

I think it is a wonderful way to use the normalization or technology in Saudi Arabia schools. Before years ago, it's impossible to use this technological way in Saudi schools because it's not suitable in schools. So, the teacher explaind the lesson to her students by usig the traditional material such as books, board, worksheet, chalks and pens and this making them not interesting to the lesson. But recently the is begin to be use gradually in Saudi schools (clasroom) and education. The teacher can use her computer by using power point or presentation to explain the lesson or what she wants from the students to be learnet. The teacher can send the assignment or extra activity which related in the subject through email or on any online web. All of these help students to use the technology in the right way. So, the teacher should be use the technology to make their students motivited to learn more and attractive to what be taught to them and making the teaching process mor interesting. It can encourage them to achieve their goals and to learn from each others and with their teacher in order to communicate. We must use the technology to improve our education in Saudi Arabia and making it advanced society because The technology is important in our life.....


Safa'a said...

Slam doaa
Yes, I agree with you .In the past, we used a traditional way in the teaching. But nowadays we are starting a new system for the learning process. We integrated technology in our schools. It is a good step to move toward normalization.

Hala said...

Salam Doaa,
The important issue to discuss is not using digital tools in our schools. As I said in class, it's HOW we use them in our classes. It's the how" which we are after,right?
We need more organized, simple and practical suggestions to try to reach Bax"normalization".
Dr. Hala

Hala said...

It would be better if you could change your font and color.
Thanks in advance.
Dr. Hala